Paulo Jorge Dias
3rd edition of Advanced Computing Projects: A0 Experimental Access (round B), 2023 (Contract: 2022.42199.CPCA.A0)
3rd edition of Advanced Computing Projects: A1 Preparatory or Development Access (round C), 2023 (Contract: 2023.05807.CPCA.A1)
Lactosynt – Lactic acid bacteria as cell factories: a Synthetic Biology approach for plasmid DNA and recombinant protein production (Contract: PTDC/BTM-SAL/28624/2017)
YEASTPEC – Engineering of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae for bioconversion of pectin- containing agro-industrial side-streams (Contract: ERA-IB-2/0003/2015)
Major Facilitator Superfamily transporters in the context of modern agriculture constraints: exploratory studies (Contract: EXPL/AGR-PRO/1013/2013)
Oral presentations in International Meeting: Dias PJ, Santos JM, Antunes DL, Duarte SO, Moreira LM, Monteiro GA, Graph-based and Gene-based Pangenome of Lactococcus lactis and Lactococcus cremoris, CSHL Genome Informatics Conference, Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, 6-9th December, 2023
Dinis Martins, Gene-based and Graph-based Pangenomes of 8 Burkholderia Species: Construction, Visualization and Analysis, Master of Science in Biological Engineering, University of Lisbon, 2023 (thesis under the supervision of Dr. PJ Dias).
Godinho CP, Dias PJ, Ponrot E, Sá-Correia I, (2018). The paralogous genes PDR18 and SNQ2, encoding ABC multidrug resistance trnsporters, derive from a recent duplication event, PDR18 being specific of the Saccharomyces genus. Frontiers in Genetics. 9: 476.
Palma M, Dias PJ, Roque FC, Luzia L, Guerreiro JF, Sá-Correia I (2017). The Zygosaccha- romyces bailii transcription factor Haa1 is required for acetic acid and copper stress responses suggesting subfunctionalization of the ancestral bifunctional protein Haa1/Cup2. BMC Genomics. 8: 75.
Dias PJ, Sá-Correia I (2014). Phylogenetic and syntenic analyses of the 12-spanner drug:H+ antiporter family 1 (DHA1) in pathogenic Candida species: evolution of MDR1 and FLU1 genes. Genomics. 104: 45-57.