Expertise: Bioprinting, Cartilage Tissue Engineering, dECM, cell culture
Short Bio:
After finishing her high school, she continued with dual studies in Polymer Engineering at the Co-operative State University in Mosbach, Germany, and the company Wirthwein AG, Creglingen, Germany, which is a producer of technical plastic parts by injection molding. After her graduation in 2014, she continued to work for 2 years as Junior Process Engineer at Wirthwein AG with projects in Europe and China, taking up also a leading role in an European Research project about UV laser marking of polymer parts. She spent afterwards a year working as an au-pair in Tokyo, Japan and returned to Europe in 2017. She started to work as Junior Project Manager for the packaging company Alpla in Hard, Austria, where she was responsible for injection molding projects in Europe, India and Mexico. In 2019, she decided to pursue a scientific career and started a master program in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering in Nancy, France. After one semester, she left the French university (École européenne d’ingénieurs en génie des matériaux) and continued with her master studies in Biomedical Engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology, Germany during which she also spent one year in Portugal as an Erasmus student at the Insituto Superior Tecnico and an intern working in the field of cellular agriculture at the Institute of Bioengineering and Biosciences (IBB) in Lisbon under the supervision of Prof. Frederico Ferreira. After working on the vascularization of extracellular matrix based hydrogels for her master thesis in the research group of Prof. Marie Weinhart at the Freie University of Berlin, Germany, she graduated with extinction in June 2023 and moved subsequently by bike to Lisbon where she started her new position as PhD student at the SCERG research group of the iBB, under the INPhINIT programme from La Caixa Foundation.
Research Focus:
Build a model able to mimic the native hierarchical structure of articular cartilage in all three layers, especially in regard to the orientation and alignment of collagen type II fibres