BeFrail – O Porto in Times of Cholera and War: A Bioarchaeological Approach to Human Fragility (2022.02398.PTDC), https://cria.org.pt/en/projects/porto-in-times-of-cholera-and-war-a-bioarchaeological-approach-to-human-frailty.
Corações e mentes – memórias da Guerra Colonial (CRIA/04038/BI_NOVA-FCSH_06)
A “crise dos refugiados” vista pelos jovens: Estudo comparativo das atitudes de estudantes de ciências sociais e humanas e de tecnologias sobre o acolhimento de refugiados (CRIA/04038/BIC-01)
Alves-Cardoso, Francisca; Marquez-Grant, Nicholas; Malcherek, Anne; Moreira, Carlos; Vassallo, Steffi. “From the field to the lab: Archaeological and bioanthropological applications of digital technology.” Workflows: Digital Methods for Reproducible Research Practices in the Arts and Humanities, Lisbon, Portugal., Lisboa, 2024. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12007980.
Vassallo, Steffi; Assis, Sandra; Moreira, Carlos; Vieira, Noelma; Alves-Cardoso, Francisca. “Surviving but not thriving: palaeopathological insights from a 19th century adult individual from the 3rd Order of Our Lady of Carmo burial site (Porto, Portugal).” 24th European Meeting of Paleopathology Association, 2024
Rodrigues, Zélia; Assis, Sandra; Vassallo, Steffi; Malcherek, Anne; Moreira, Carlos; Pereira, Manuel F. C.; FONSECA, VÍTOR; Alves-Cardoso, Francisca. Autor correspondente: Rodrigues, Zélia. “One in a Thousand: A challenging palaeopathological diagnosis of a lumbar vertebra found amongst commingled remains from Carmo (Porto, Portugal)”. 24th European Meeting of Paleopathology Association, 2024.
Moreira, Carlos; Malcherek, Anne; Vassallo, Steffi; Alves-Cardoso, Francisca. “Digital Approaches to the Reconstruction and Curation of Human Remains: A Case Study.”4º ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGADORES DO IN2PAST, 2024