Teresa Pinheiro

Research Scientist

Research Activities

Biomedicine and Clinical Research:
˗ Identification of new biomarkers in coronary artery disease (signalling and co-stimulatory molecules)
˗ Elucidation of molecular and cellular mechanisms associated with the inflammatory processes of human diseases
Biological imaging:
˗ Morphological and physiological characterization of cells and tissues using advanced microscopy techniques

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Selected Publications

T. Pinheiro, R. Silva, R. Fleming, A. Gonçalves, M.A. Barreiros, J. N. Silva, P. Morlière, R. Santus, P. Filipe. Primary hemochromatosis: Distribution and quantitation of skin iron. Correlations with total body stores. Acta Dermato-Venereologica. 2013; online (doi: 10.2340/00015555-1601)

Napoleão P, Selas M, Freixo C, MotaCarmo M, Viegas-Crespo AM, Cruz Ferreira C, Pinheiro T. T lymphocytes alterations are associated with oxidized LDL, troponin T, white blood cells and C-reactive protein during acute myocardial infarction. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2012; online (DOI:10.3233/CH-121665)

M.D. Ynsa, R. Minquin, R. Rajendran, T. Pinheiro, F. Watt. Consequences of fat diet in the distribution of minerals within pancreatic tissues of rats and rabbits. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2012;18:1060–1066 (doi: 10.1017/S1431927612001547)

Emerit I, Antunes J, Silva JM, Freitas J, Pinheiro T, Filipe P. Clastogenic Plasma Factors in Psoriasis - Comparison of phototherapy and anti-TNFa treatments. Photochem Photobiol 2011; 87:1427-1432 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-1097.2011.00982.x)

Filipe P, Silva JN, Silva R, Cirne de Castro JL, Alves LC, Santus R, Pinheiro T. Stratum corneum is an effective barrier to TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticle percutaneous absorption. Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 2009;22 (5):266-275 (DOI: 10.1159/000235554)

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